Thursday, November 1, 2012

The reason why I suddenly stopped blogging


Remember me?

First of all, I would like to thank everyone who has stuck with me even though I've totally betrayed all of you by not fulfilling my promises of posting regularly. 

I would like to apologize for my hiatus, and I am writing this post to inform all of you guys about the reason why I stopped blogging these past few months.

Without further ado:

(the rest of this post is password protected. if you want to read it, email me at and i will send you the password. OR, if you have me on facebook, just send me a message!)



ChickLitGirl said...

Hahahahahahahahahaha @ That scary dead girl pic and that last adorable spy pic.

Also, AAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWW <3 You are way too sweet. :3 :,)
But you know, I told you like it is. You're pretty awesome and the world should read about it.
Also, dude, how cool is your mom?
Glad you're back!

Anonymous said...

YAYYY!!! fareee is back :D somehow i want to play that 'backstreets back alright' :P haha ... but great to see you back girl. HIlarious post it was and kudos to your mom for saying that :d AWESOME MOMMY TAG GOES TO HER ...Keep posting :) (Y) and you are welcome.

Aabi said...

AND SHE'S BACKKKKK! I cant imagine what sort of adults pick on adorable and extremely talented girls like you for telling us about your experience with the poop fairy. I MEAN HOW COULD U NOT TELL US ABOUT THE POOP FAIRY?!?!
You know that pep talk that Wwill smith gave to his son in the Pursuit of Happiness? and then that EMINEM song that goes all 'i know it sounds corny but never let noone tell u, u aint beautiful'. I feel like articulating something that encompasses all the awesomeness in them. Unfortunately im not awesome enough to do that. BUT YOU ARE.

And no flying fish were given to anyone ever.

Julianne said...

So happy to have you back :)

Hanis. said...

OMG That sounds so scary. The "we're watching you" comment. If it was me, I'll be tempted to go:

Don't you guys got a life of your own?

I got my blog link up on my Facebook but I don't think anyone ever bothered to read my blog, save for a handful of people.

BUT, I haven't dissed/complained about anyone for a long long time so I might be safe.

Hahaha. YES. Just tell them to go and flip themselves over. And your mother is awesome <3

Rafya Sweets said...

Those sticky peeps have got nothing going on in their lives, Furee don't let them empty yours too...

I can definitely relate to 'Im not even 10% of me when I'm not writing'
Write, write , write and be your cool self please!

glad u're back, I forever waited for the second b'day post :D

Please post often from now on and let them know they cant steal it from you!


cricketfreak said...

I'm so glad that you are writing again.
Your extended family sounds horrible, tbh. But I'm so glad that you haven't caved in to pressure and that you're writing again.

IceMaiden said...

This was the funniest post about a non-funny incident I have read in a LONG time! I dont give two hoots about who is reading what, but all you noesy people - SHOO! :| Jeez get a life or something.... :|

I am very happy that you are blogging again Furree! Keep up the poop related humor.. :D It is getting me through this incredibly boring day here at work :P


Nas said...

It was such a pleasure to see you again on my blogger dashboard.

I think you're right. It's a fine balance between anonymity, and posting personal details. You've been quite open about yourself and what happens to you, and the you've spilt the beans many times. Which is good. But it can be a bit of a pain where the sun don't shine when things like what happened happened.

I'm glad to know you have friends who will give you faith and hope in yourself. Reminds me of the early days when you used to get so fed up about that bollywood dude :P.

And kudos to your mother.

And And I hope you're well and smiling.

N :)

Maryam A. said...

Okay, before I go on with typing out this comment, here a confession. I was literally smiling like a lunatic throughout this post. :3
Jeez. YOU, furree. You were missed.

We all have these kind of nosy stupid stalkers in our families who, for no reason, want to keep an eyes on everybody so they find something to gossip about. It sucks big time. :x
But anyways, I am glad the crazy phase is over and that you decided to not give a shit about all that and you're back for good and most of all, the fact that you got a cute new shirt. ;)

Here a piece of advice. Don't EVER let anyone bring your down or stop you from something you want to do. Haters gonna hate. That's their dirty job but you are way too cool for that so nothing should bother you. Ever. :D <3

Oh and, judging your mom from the old posts and this post, gosh, she has to be coolest mummy ever. I mean, this supportive attitude is the best thing someone could ask for. Say my hi to her. :p

I am really happy to see you back. Keep writing and ranting here. :D Blogosphere wouldn't be the same without you. <3

Oh and btw, you still owe us your birthday's second part post. :p

Lakshmi Mitra said...

Your mum is SO right.

Really glad you're writing again.
IMO, your extended family has no right to barge into your personal affairs and especially your online life, where you write under a different name altogether.
I think they ought to look at themselves first, and see how unwarranted their reactions were considering that they were practically spying on you, looking you up and intruding in your personal affairs where they were uninvited. If they think reprimanding you is a credit to them...I think pretty much all your friends would agree that in our eyes they've only discredited themselves. If something like this happened to me I'd probably go on rampage, LOL.
Also, don't care if they read any of this. (Furree didn't make us do it, we have minds of our own!)

Take care. <3

Just another girl. said...

Don't stop writing just caz of some weird nosy relatives who have nothing better to do in life, honestly, you're way too awesome to bother with them. :p what you do, and write, shouldn't be any of their concerns, they need to stop being so stalkerish for their own benefit.
btw, your mom is awesome. So are you. KEEP WRITING! loveee <3

Curl Jung said...


You deserved to be punished for disappearing without any warning but then you do have a very good reason for it. You are forgiven. :P

I laughed like an idiot while reading the post @
1) Your butt was toasted.
2) Precious identity part.
3) Poop Angel ideology.
4) Spy amongst us.

HAHAHAHA. Your mom is awesome. She looks and sounds more like your elder sister than a mother :p

And I'm glad you're back. Really, really glad. Your blog is simply the best. The best of the best. Ok?

Lioness Without A Pride said...

Dear Furrz,

Firstly, *bighug* =) It's so good to read what you have to say again!!!!!!!!

Reading this post struck a chord with me in a way that is not even funny right now. Seriously. And the even better part was reading WORDFORWORD (*your* words, which makes them better!) how I too am feeling at this point in my life. It's probably been a year and a half since I have written. I too have lost all faith in my writing (not unfounded, because I feel rusted and redundant due to lack of sheer exercise of my verbally expressive side), and many many other things in me. Which is why I love this post (AND YOU OMG YOUUUUUUUUUUUU MY PERFECT GIRL) for helping me at least.. face, what I've been trying to avoid all these months. I haven't been blogging either because I can't bring myself to think that people will care. I know, it's super emo of me blah blah. But you don't have that, Furree. It's like you said, your followers are your FRIENDS, and you treat them and think of them that way, and that's what makes us all love you and read what you have to say all the time! And, you're super funny! And SO TALENTED! If anyone (aka unwelcome visitors) fail to understand and appreciate the wonderful thing you have in this blog+followers+postingaboutlife+commentlovingeachother mechanism, then it is their severe and sad loss.

I'm so glad you're back and I'm super excited!!!!!!!!! You're a part of me in a co-dependent Blogger people way, and I can't imagine what it'd be like if I can't read your posts (your original UNCENSORED, RIGHTTOEXPRESSMYTHOUGHTS posts) any more!

♥ you. :D

Philophobic said...


That's sort of why I shut my blog down for a while too. PHUG DA PULIS.

Unknown said...

THIS WAS PRETTY FUNNY. But omg the trauma you went through was horrible, I'm so sorry. Great to have you back, Furree <3 And your mum is amazing.

Voice Of Reason said...

Good to have you back, kid. :') Man, I can totally relate to the ordeal you had to face. Only difference being, my ex was stalking me. Which is just sad because all my posts were about him. :P

I am SO SO glad that you decided to start writing again in spite of everything. And honestly speaking, if you have your mum's support, you don't need to be worried about anything/anyone. :D


that kid with a broken heart said...

i miss you too! welcome back

Furree Katt said...

@ChickLitGirl, Hahah! I'm glad you liked it. And seriously, I needed that pep-talk. I know, she's seriously cool!

@Eddie, LOL thank you veryyy much, and yes, my my mum is awesome! I'm glad to have a mum like her.

@Aabi, HAHAH LOL I swear, the poop angel story had to be told to the world. Hahahahaha. And aww, thank you. You're an awesome writer and you are capable of producing way more awesome pep-talks than the movie people. ♥

@Julianne, Thank you! ♥ I missed you lots and lotsss.

@Hanis, It really was creepy :( and OMG, you're so lucky that you don't have people breathing down your neck hahaha. Thanks! ♥

@Rafya, Thank you so much! That really means a lot. LOL I don't know if I ever want to write about my birthday ever again. Thanks againnnn ♥

@CricketFreak, LOL, yeah I guess they are like that. Thank you so much ♥

@IceMaiden, YAY, I'm so glad you enjoyed the post! ♥ And thanks a million for the support. I will definitely keep up the poop-related humour. I missed you sooo much.

@Nas, Thank you so much! I really missed you. And I agree with you completely. Alas, some people can't get that through their thick skulls, haha.
OMG I remember the Jackky Bhagnani fiasco! He was a complete waste of time, though blogging about him led me to make wonderful friends like you, and I'll always be grateful for that. ♥ Thanks again Nasssss!

@Maryam A, Awww, thank you so much! *hugs* I'm glad to be back too, missed you loads.
I agree with you completely. There's a lunatic in every family. I won't let them bother me again, fo sho. My mum says thanks! Haha.
And I'll definitely stick to Blogger now. I ain't letting you guys go, ever. ♥ Love yoooou!

@Asinastra Nightshade, Thanks a million billion zillion for the support and sympathy. ♥ It really means a lot to me!
I completely agree with you. Man, if only they understood. POWER TO US, BLOGGER FRIENDS!!!!!

@Hamza, AHAHA SAWRY HAMZZZ. I just had to think of a nice opening for my blog post, and that was the only thing coming to mind. :P
I'm so glad my post made you laugh. It gives me confidence in my writing! TBH I was laughing while typing at all out (and drawing the pictures too lol).
I told my mum that! She said thanks! :D
I'm glad to be back too. YOU'RE the best of the best, not meee!

@Lioness Without A Pride, I LOVE YOU! ♥ I'm glad to be back.
Oh my goodness, I'm glad we have each other to empathize with. I really love your writing and I would never want you to stop blogging, ever! I know how it feels. It's hard to start again, but once you do, it starts feeling all right again.
I agree with you, outsiders fail to understand the strong bond and understanding that bloggers have. It's our own private and beautiful community in which we have every right to talk about EVERYTHING!!
AWWW and believe me, I feel the same about you. The blogging world would be empty without my soul sista LWAPPPPP. ♥ Love you 4eva.

@And Then There Were None, PHUG DA PULIS INDID. ♥ I'm glad you're back, too. *hugs*

@Anuradha, I'M GLAD TO BE BACK! I missed your blog! And I'm super glad you found my post funny, haha. ♥ Thank you so much!

@Voice of Reason, I AM NOT A KID :'(
LOL JK, I am. Haha. I'm glad to be back as wellll. And OMG, an ex stalking you is much scarier, haha.
Missed you! And thanks a lot *hug* ♥

@that kid with a broken heart, YAY! thank you :)

Jack said...


Anger vented out with a lot of wit. Kindly remember that this is your space and you have full right to write what you want and how you want. No one can make you stop it. If someone has any problem, it is his or her headache and not yours. I would love to read your short stories and poems. Please do post those.

Take care

Ash said...

I would be raging if someone I knew personally or - ESPECIALLY - a family member found and read my blog. I would be absolutely RAGING. My blog is private yo, I started it so I could connect abd relate with other people, people I didn't know in person. The very thought of someone I know reading it and finding out all this stuff I don't want known just doesn't sit well with me at all.

I can imagine exactly how you felt when your blog was 'discovered'. I say 'imagine', because I'm guessing it would feel different having it actually happen, as opposed to just 'thinking' it would happen.

Kudos to you for actually coming back out to blog again. I honestly don't know what I would do if I was found.

That's why my blog disappeared from your feed I think; because I changed my original blog url.

It used to contain a part of my nickname, and in a fit of paranoia, I changed the URL in case someone managed to stumble upon it while typing my nickname into Google (MAASIVE paranoia, I know...). and that's how my blog 'disappeared' to so many people - they were following the old URL, and Blogger for some reason put 2 and 2 together and just update the new URL address. Shame on you, Blogger. I think I lost about 50 odd followers. They must all assume I've stopped blogging. But if I change my URL back, I'll lose the 'new' 50 odd followers... woe is me.

But anyway, great to see you back again. And kudos on the actual password. I had a laugh, haha.

Laterally Moved. said...

You are the back! Yessssssss. We were wondering where you went.

How can you password protect posts?1 Tell me! It would be nice to know :)

P.S. This is still Randomhyper. Chanaged my blog name for the same reason as yours- family spies!

Muslimah Delights said...

Welcome back!!! I missed your funny and refreshing posts (wish I was still a teen!)

Good on you to carry on blogging...I think we all know someone who thinks that they can pick on our actions/words and make a huge fuss of it. People wont stop judging, so don't stop being you!

lol @ poopangel haha

Anyway, glad you're back and thanks for commenting on and following my blog xxx

PurpleMist. said...

Wow. So much has happened. O.O

Aww i'm glad you have family members who support you. Your mom is so cool :D

Yayyy, glad you're back :D

S. said...

First of all, we wuv you too!
The password to this post is hilarious. =P It was great to see your update on my dash board and I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post (as always) =D

Second of all, this is your blog and your thoughts.. anyone who gets offended should simply not read. Their problem right. ;D

I have been out of blogging on and off due to studies but coming back and seeing these adorably crazy doodles made my day! Keep posting Furree. x :D