Friday, October 21, 2011

weight & health

Weight issues are something that I have never had. I’ve always been content with how much I weigh and how I look. I had always been chubby during my childhood and my early teen years, but I had never let that affect my eating habits or my self esteem.

Recently, a lot of people have been telling me that I’ve gained weight. This doesn’t exactly bother me in terms of appearance, but I am slightly concerned about how this is affecting my health.

Since this past month (and a little before that), I have fallen victim to ‘comfort food’, a term used for food eaten when in need of something to distract oneself in tension/sadness. This means I have been stacking up on French fries, ice cream, cookies, candy, popcorn and soft drinks more than I ought to whenever I feel a little stressed out at work.

At first I thought a little comfort food wouldn’t make a difference. But when I actually took a few moments to think about it (and when comments about my weight kept increasing), I realized that I was unnecessarily consuming most of these things. I was gorging on junk when I wasn’t even hungry. I had replaced my intake of water with Pepsi or 7up. In school, we’re teaching the students about ‘healthy foods’. We even got a doctor to come and make a presentation about how healthy and junk foods affect our bodies. That simple Kindergarten unit made me think about what I eat and how much of it affects my body in a negative way. To be completely honest, I have been feeling a little lazier and heavier than usual these days.

Getting to the point, I don’t mind being a little chubby, regardless of how many times my brother calls me ‘fatty’ and how random relatives tell me that my face has become rounder than before and how my tummy looks ‘fuller’ than it usually used to. What I really want to do is take care of myself. This will be easy if I cut down on all the unnecessary junk food I eat. I don’t think I need to have fries and ice cream and soft drinks EVERY day.

My mum told me that I should exercise a bit after coming home from school. A few months ago I used to work out at home quite a lot, and that helped me keep myself feeling good and active. I think I should take that up again. Apart from toning me, it’ll help in exerting all the negative energy I have in a productive way.

The reason I posted about this here is because I need a little motivation to get things going. I don't really care about the numbers on the scale, it's just the feeling of being fit that I want to get back again. I need positive vibes from all of you and honestly I think it’ll really help if you all could encourage me in staying healthy.

Plus, if my effort and your encouragement result in me actually becoming slimmer and sexier, then that’s really great, don’t you think? :D
Much love. 


quartertoinsane said...

just think of wat u'll be able to achieve...

Ovais said...

I'll race you. Let's see who loses more weight by my birthday.

Winner get a week's treat at the canteen. :P

... said...

Never ever ever ever ever ever ever EVER let anyone say that you're fat. You're perfect just the way you are =) Tell them that you've gained weight so that you don't look like you're anorexic ;D

Ovais said...

Your blog is in my favorites :o

Areesha, people tell me I'm fat. Do you want to tell them that I'm not or something? O.o

Unknown said...

I've been trying to cut back on the comfort food too. I recently hurt my knee so I can't exercise much anymore and I can already see a difference.

Sey said...

I don't have issue with my weight as well. I am skinny but during the past days I am gaining weight too.

I don't mind gaining extra pounds/kilos, but like you my concern is my health too. I am having a hard time on doing things I love because m,y body feels so heavy.

So this serve as my encouragement for you to GOGOGO to your health. Tomorrow, I will go back to jogging again and skip softdrinks too.

Yours Truly said...

Hmm. I've never had a "stress related eating issue" but it seems pretty common. However, eating too much junkfood on its own is an issue, regardless of if its stress related or not. try little snacks to get out of the habbit. like fruits or granola bars to nibble on thru out the day, instead of having 3 proper meals. It keeps the stomach full all the time, so you dont feel too hungry. Also drink lots of water! A lot of the times, ur stomach fools u into thinking that its hungry, when really it just needs water.

Good luck to you! :) x

cricketfreak said...

well if you're eating unhealthily i guess it's better to eat healthily and exercise-
but as long as you feel good about yourself. that's what should really matter.

Anonymous said...

...Speaking from personal experience, I was more than just chubby growing up and all through high school. Hell, my nickname actually was "fatty", though my family members would say it in a more endearing form until I got my new nickname.

My problem was less with junk food (though we did consume fast food stuffs too often as a family), and more with the fact that I was simply overfed and forced to clean my plate. Not to completely shrug off all total responsibility, but, I honestly didn't know any better.
I also felt proud that I "didn't need" breakfast in order to function for the rest of the day.

Some nutrition classes later, weight lifting, an elimination of the most unhealthy of "foods", smaller meal sizes & a huge increase in water intake has resulted in me feeling better than I ever did growing up!

My advice, is this:

Be cautious of foods that you intake for "comfort". On a psychological level, this results in 'pavlovian conditioning' and you'll find it harder to refuse certain treat the more you use them. Also, eating them when you're not sad is likely to bring down your mood to match the anxiety you would normally feel when indulging.

Having said that, "diets", as they're commonly known don't work for one simple reason: Once it ends, you're still consuming certain food you really don't require. Rather than doing things half-assed, the best thing to do is to let go of the most harmful edibles slowly but surely.

It definitely gets easier with time and eventually you'll actually be more repulsed by certain food you used to really enjoy.

Anyway, that's me speaking from personal experience. I'm in better health now than I've been since elementary school. Kinda crazy to think about.

There's not a single thing wrong with a girl with fuller curves in all the bestest of places, but, remember that sexiness begins to sprout deep inside your heart!

Mandatory words of motivation: Let's build up our will power, Furree!!
You can totally do it.

Caroline said...

don't ever let ppl make you feel self-conscious, i hate it when my aunty asks me if i gained weight... -.- i love to exercise because of the endorphins, hot guys (if at gym) and it makes me feel healthy :) yknow ppl who actually openly insult you like that and say you've gained weight or just any obvious insult are usually jealous.

Unknown said...

If that is your latest picture then I really have to say you don’t belong to the chubby and fat department. I swear. But staying healthy, like eating healthy food and exercising is a must whether you are chubby or skinny. Remember when I was on a diet? I feel great every time I manage to resists eating junk food or excessive chocolates. I feel even better when I exercise. However, both of them are out of my system now. Thanks for reminding to do it again. I hope you’ll be able to do you plan. It’s a great plan and I trust that you can do it.

the butterfly effect said...

hmm.. well that's a good thing if u arent concerned about how you look. but healthwise it'll be good if u take care.

well junk isn't really healthy, at all. but we can't really avoid it forever. a walk in the morning helps more than any work out to remain fresh and active.

secondly lemon grass tea helps to digest extra food in our stomach more quickly. hence no feeling of heaviness.

and things like developing your eating clock also help. and of course your sleeping clock, too.

Anas Shafqat said...

I dont really see why people call you chubby, you seem quite alright to me. But as for the eating comfort food part, then I suffer from a similar affliction as well :( Hope we both are able to push aside this unhealthy food eating frenzy :)
I would keep reminding you to do so and you can do the same wid me :D

Deviation said...

You're ....fat.

Twefrence said...

From the pictures I see of you, you look perfectly fine but which girl wouldn't care abt their outer image to people, we all have varying amounts of self-consciousness.
All my life my whole family has been on about how I'm "fat" or "chubby", especially my brothers calling me "pig" or "oink" (because I was born on the year of the pig- psh =P)
From a young age I've learnt to just laugh it off and ignore their teasing bcz I know I'm perfectly fine.
I'm 157cm (short, I know) and I only weigh about 47kgs, some might even think I'm underweight.

Growing up I've never "dieted" or resisted from eating food when I was hungry. I guess people say I have "high metabolism at this age" (my normal temperature is 37.1 or 2 degrees)
However, I have to say I'm VERY unfit for my age. Either bcz I just suck at sports or I kinda 'blame' my flat foot-ed ness for hindering my ability to exercise. (I used to throw up every year during "cross country" - which was basically just a run in the park)

Probably the only reason why I can still remain relatively average weight is because I eat ok? I don't like fizzy drinks, makes me burp too much. I tell my mum it's too unhealthy when she insists to eat McD for lunch 2 days in a row == I rarely eat snacks(chips) and I'm not that big of a fan for sweet stuff(cept for ice cream which I occassionally eat =D) OR anything to cheesy and heavy tasting for me.
I have a "diet" thing to suggest to you.
You can still eat EVERYTHING but just in a "different way"
Only eat carbohydrates in the morning and lunch time (where you need most energy)
but for dinner, no starch stuff.
AND, eat your proteins first (meat) and thn the vege.
That's all.
For SOME reason, this thing works, well it's quite a slow process. I tried it for like 2 months this year and I dropped like 2 kgs.
(Without even exercising =P)

But yes, what you want to do with your body is your decision. It's always good to exercise and release the pent up frustration right?
So Good Luck in getting to where you want to be =D

Shagun Ohri said...

I loved the honesty of this post! Not many people have the guts to come up and say that :)

Bad times always call for a whole lot of un-necessary binging. We've all been there done that.

Why don't you go swimming or something! It's fun + it's an amazing stress buster + it'll help you get toned.
Cause working out daily can actually get boring at times! :P

I'm sure you'll be able to manage, and cut down on the excess weight. And yeah, don't let anyone ever call you fat. You're pretty ♥

y.hayat said...

You are so sexy already babe ;) Haha, when you cut down on junk, the feeling of being fit will occur again so don't worry :)

Abbynoel24 said...

Make a playlist of loud, ridiculous music for when you work out. Thats what I do and it helps me keep going :)

Miss H said...

Aww I think you look gorgeous just the way you are! But if it makes you feel happier to lose some weight then go for it :)

Maryam A. said...

Youre perfect, k? ;) <3

Oz said...




äмän ♥ said...

You're Awesome Masha'Allah just the way you are. <3

CookieCrumbsInc. said...

Do it if YOU feel that you're getting fat. Not because other people think so.

. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mystical said...

Dude, you don't look fat at all. I think you're a healthy weight.

I've also been chubby as a kid, but I lost most of the chubbiness in middle school. Now I'm just normal, but if I eat something too sweet, my face swells up. Not a pretty sight, trust me. :P

My advice: don't give up the good things in life (like candy). Just don't eat massive quantities. Make sure you have a good breakfast since that'll keep you fueled throughout the day. If you have a treadmill, use it. It saves lives. If not, jump rope for thirty minutes or jog for the same amount of time. It's hard at first, but with practice you'll get used to it.

Best of luck! <3

The Lady of Green Origin said...

You know, I've recently given up junk food and yucky schtuff as well. It got to the point where I didn't know WHY I was eating it, but I kept on. I could feel myself getting unhealthy. And it's just so lovely when you're fit and full of energy.

I'm glad you're conscious of your health :) Energetic Furree = energetic blogs! And I do so love your blogging.

Happy dreaming!

Anonymous said...

Well I agree fat or not fat ...eating healthy should be a priority nevertheless :) .... avoiding junk food is a good idea. NO big deal if u have it once in a while :) but overall i think you should cut down on it.... although i don't see any problem with the way you look :D .... probably the cutest lil blogger so far hehehe i'd adopt you anyday hahaha .... *pulls cheeks* and that is a cute looking puppy right there :d

kae said...

oh what i would not give just so i would be let in to those french women's secret of maintaining their slim figures!

btw you dont look fat on your pics. on the contrary, you look quite healthy. and sexy. (;

Aliza Khan said...

Awwww u look so cute and definitely not fat :D <3

I can't exercise... I don't want to either :p I guess I don't feel good about wasting my energy on stuff like exercising when I could be using it to go bowling and stuff :P

Aaannn I want to have fries and ice-creams and soft drinks everyday :| hmmm ok mayb not soft drinks :p

P.S Whats the name of ur dog??? :D

Zeba said...

Haha. I think you have enough motivation as I scrolled down. But you are so pretty mashallah. :-)

Ridx said...

I am so so skinny I cant tell you n I hate that! I think you are just so super awesome coz being a lil chubby is wonderful ! :D

and you look really cute in the outfit ! :D

kei said...

.french fries is not really that healthy especially when its already too much...
as a nursing student, my advice is that you avoid somehow french fries coz its full of cholesterol, too much of it is bad for the heart...
avoid so much pepsi,7up, softdrinks for short because its acidic... too much of it (especially if you drink water less) causes dysfunction to our kidneys...

in short too much is so so so bad... hehehe... continue to love water... you should drink water not because you like it, but because it's good for you...

kei said...

P.S i have given you an award at my site =) just search my post entitled RECOGNITION DAY...


Unknown said...

Hey you don't look fat, at least your photos do not show that.
The most important thing is that you feel that your physical appearance is okay, and your are healthy.

ishashime said...

chubby Furree!
haha, sorry. i couldn't help it.

but seriously, it doesn't really show. to me, at least. but i'm glad you've decided to do this for yourself, for you health and own personal fitness. i did, too. if one might recall, and i'm still working on it, but so far, i've lost a couple of pounds and i intend to lose a few more.

i know you can do it Furree! let's be weight loss buddies! haha. cardio is always a great starting exercise. as is simply walking, or jogging. definitely time to cut back on your "comfort foods", but it is good to indulge once in a while. smaller portions help and fruits and veggies are good things to munch on instead of the usual junk food. progress report, okay? we can do this! :D

Anonymous said...

haha furreee!!! your so cute and adorable. and yes eating healthy is very important.

there are so many different healthy and nutritious foods out there! youll be amazed!

Vice Versa said...

That picture you posted of you is the OPPOSITE of fat, so i hope tat's way wayy before your gaining weight stage begun.

But i agree with the unhealthiness thing you're saying. why don't you eat flavoured yoghurt or grapefruit instead? (it's grapefruit season, yay!) or any fruit you like.

limit the junk to once a week. you'll feel better.

I go walking/jogging with my dad in the morning before school. it's a bit of an effort waking up so early but it makes you feel really good.

good luck in your healthifying endeavors! :)

Ezazi said...

You ain't fat. Full stop. <3

Katherine said...

I support you in that endeavor. :) Some people exercise to lose weight and become thin, but I think that's a wrong reason for doing so. Exercise to become fit and healthy is, for me, the right frame of mind, and that's what you want to do. So go for it! :D We're all gonna cheer for you :D

denise marie said...

hi!! you know what?? i wanna give you a two thumbs up :D teenagers nowadays...well esp me are very much concerned about our weight and how we look physically... these insecurities will make us week both physically and spiritually... sooo i'm soo happy that you're not insecure about how you look...and i must're not fat at all :D you look soooo gorgeous :) swear :) more power to your blog :)

Sidrah said...

That's the spirit!

I have been eating comfort food for 2 years now =p imagine!

Cute picture! (and you look thin enuff in it). =D

PurpleMist. said...

I love how you don't care about what others think and want to do this for YOURSELF.
Good luck, you can do it :D

Unknown said...

I loveee what you are wearing! You look gorgeous! ^_^

Anonymous said...

Such a lovely picture! And I too am a stress eater haha so I understand exactly what you mean :) hope you're living healthier these days!

eternalthinker said...

You look quite okay in the picture ^^
I think this is really more about "feeling fit". Go on, warm up your body a bit everyday.
Feel good :)

Jack said...


Read pending 2 posts now. Please do take care of your health inspite of work load. It is good that you are on way to complete BEd. One should eat healthy and it is ok to have little tidbits once in a while. Instead of cold drinks why not switch to NIMBOO PAANI? And walnuts are good for system but in moderate quantity. Please do take up regular exercise as soon as you can. You can chalk out a system of exercises for abdomen and overall fitness. You may consult some expert on this. You do look fine in the photo.

Take care

kamilktea_ said...

Hi buddy! Furree Katt!! <3 I hope you still remember me..!! First, I had read your guess post at Leah's blog, and wanna greet you cause you did a great job on that! but what I really want to greet on you is your blog!!!!

Congratulation because your blog is freaking awesome! You never let your blog down and your readers too, and your still an avid blogger!!!! I'm happy that your blog is really doing great!

Apparently, my blog is doing great too! I actually have a new blog, but I don't recommend it for you to follow since its in TAGALOG (my dialect).. most of my posts are!

But I'm guessing your doing pretty cool! So that's all I'm here visiting for, just catching up a little bit from you!!! Always have a nice day there Furree Katt..

love, Kamil

and ow, if ever you don't remember me, I'm that girl who owns the BASKET of DREAMS blog... which I already deleted.. that's all.. take care!! chao <3

All Good Things. said...

check your facebook if you read this today.

aakash said...

But how on Earth can you be fat? OR do you know awesome photo manipulation? :|
Were you looking for taareef? (praise). That we could have done otherwise also :D


Menachery said...

I wnated to mention this on a n earlier post , but here goes, you are one beautiful girl , love the hairdo, makes you look really cute as well, and weight??? where??? :P ..

Something said...

Hypothetically, if in the future you get bitten by a radioactive dumbass, and start believing that you're fat. I sincerely hope that either you stumble upon this post, or by some amazing karmic incident someone points it out to you.

Why can't more women be like you. I know twigs who complain of being fat. Bloody Twigs! The kind who'd fold over if you dropped a tennis ball on their backs.